Water Level

A dripping tap can waste as much as one litre of water per hour In one week, that is enough to fill a bathtub. Drinking water is precious. Save it!

Every single day more than three billion litres of perfectly good drinking water is wasted in the UK. That's enough water to make 15 billion cups of tea.

Switching from baths to showers is an easy way to save water. If you’re already a shower person, try keeping your shower to 4 minutes or less.

Water Facts
Why do we need to think about water? I n the UK every person uses approximately 150 litres of water a day, a figure that has been growing every year by 1% since 1930. If you take into account the water that is needed to produce the food and products you consume in your day-to-day life (known as embedded water) you actually consume 3400 litres per day. This is quite alarming if you consider that the UK has less available water per person than most other European countries. If you live in the South east of England it is even more so, as this part of the country is the most water stressed. Heating up water to take a shower or wash clothes in the washing machine not only impacts on your energy bills, but also results in the release of greenhouse gases, linking it to climate change. As much as 25% of your household’s energy bill comes from heating water, and domestic hot water accounts for 5% of UK greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, water companies also use lots of energy treating and pumping cold water, and this in turn releases even more greenhouse gases. By making small behavioural changes and choosing more water efficient products you can save water with- out sacrificing too much money, comfort, or level of service. Water efficiency is about reducing the amount of water you waste on a daily basis, not restricting what you use.